List Management

Lists are arguably the single most important ingredient

in successful direct marketing and member recruitment programs. List quality is largely determined by recency, source, appropriateness, and relevance to the target market.

Marketing General Incorporated has a unique perspective on lists. On the one hand, MGI account managers are trained experts in list research, selection, and performance analysis. At the same time, experts in Marketing General’s list division, MGILists, see lists from the opposite perspective—the day-to-day management of more than a hundred rental lists on behalf of list owners. There is no retainer or service fee for the list owner—MGILists receives a small commission from each order that is paid by the renter.

MGILists also offers list brokerage services by industry experts who research and recommend appropriate lists for client needs.


Please visit the MGILists website to review the data cards of our full suite of lists and to learn more about brokerage by the industry’s association list experts. Learn More…

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