Membership: For Such a Time as This

MARCH 18, 2020 / Tips & Insights

By Tony Rossell, Senior Vice President

For all of us, our lives are in a state of disruption. This is no less true for our members and prospective members. That’s why there is no more important time for associations to boldly communicate with members about the practical assistance that they can provide to them. It is a time for associations to empathetically and proactively demonstrate the value of membership. As the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

This help can come in multiple forms. Here are some ways that you can reach out and engage members right now.

Provide Community– Many associations have the opportunity to help members connect electronically like never before…


Indispensability: When Measuring Satisfaction Isn’t Enough

AUGUST 28, 2019 / Tips & Insights

Clients often come to us with requests to do a Member Satisfaction Survey. After a discussion to gauge what their true research objectives are, we often steer them toward a Member Indispensability Study instead. But why?

Satisfaction doesn’t equate to longevity. In our research experience, we have seen that satisfaction isn’t a strong driver of member retention. In fact, we often see that lapsed members report high levels of satisfaction with the association membership, often very similar to the satisfaction levels of current members.

Satisfaction can be too broad a concept.In surveys, we often include a general question about the levels of satisfaction with one’s membership, but it is…


When it Comes to Your Membership – Embrace Change

AUGUST 20, 2019 / Tips & Insights

MGI recently released our 2019 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report. While it’s filled with nearly 80 pages of data, one stat in particular stood out. 22% of associations experiencing an increase in the number of new members this year recently adopted a new membership model.

IPMA-HR, the leading public sector human resource organization, knows the impact of a new membership model firsthand. Faced with a declining membership, concern grew that their offerings were no longer meeting the needs of public sector HR professionals. To turn the tide on their membership, they knew that something needed to change.

And change it did — within one year, IPMA-HR’s membership grew by 21%.

So how did they…


Mid-Year Marketing: Review, Analyze, Optimize

MAY 21, 2019 / Tips & Insights

Flowers are blooming, butterflies are all aflutter, and days are getting longer, which can only mean one thing. Spring is here and we’re already nearly halfway through 2019!

If you’re wondering where the time went, you’re not alone. The good news is that right now is the perfect time to look at your 2019 plan and ask yourself if this year’s results are meeting expectations. If you wait until your year-end review, you are missing out on more than six months to course correct.

It’s time for your mid-year marketing check-in.

Not sure where to start? Here are five tips to guide your mid-year marketing review:

  1. Look at results.As it’s commonly said, to know where you’re going, you have to know where…


Marketing General Incorporated Celebrates 40th Anniversary

JANUARY 28, 2019 / MGI in the News


Rick Whelan, CDM
Marketing General Incorporated
625 North Washington Street, Suite 450
Alexandria, VA 22314

Marketing General Incorporated Celebrates 40th Anniversary

ALEXANDRIA, VA—January 24, 2019—Marketing General Incorporated (MGI), a full-service membership marketing agency based since 1985 in Alexandria, VA, is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2019. MGI partners with associations to raise new membership counts, increase dues revenue and boost non-dues revenue streams. Helping membership organizations grow for 40 years, it is the largest association-focused direct marketing agency in North America.
